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Quarterly Meeting Minutes - November '04

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David Graves
Site Admin

Joined: 02 Jun 2005
Posts: 1387
Location: Warsaw, TX

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2005 8:15 am    Post subject: Quarterly Meeting Minutes - November '04 Reply with quote

Dallas Area Classic Chevy Club
General Meeting Minutes, 14 November 2004

The meeting was held at Springcreek Barbeque in Grapevine. David Graves, President called the meeting to order at 2:15 PM. Fourteen members and spouses were in attendance. Everyone introduced himself or herself.

Old Business:

1. David gave the Drive-In Movie report from the October cruise. Fifteen cars attended of which three were DACC members. The weather was perfect and we had great fun. We’ll plan on continuing to be involved with this annual event and hope for more participation in the future.

2. Bill Preston gave the Fall Foliage Tour report from October. Two members of DACC and their guests/spouses attended. The tour was composed of about twenty-five cars and was a fun-filled weekend of shopping, socializing and family appropriate events. Everyone was very hospitable. Next year the Tour will be in the Taylor/Wagner Oklahoma area.

3. David reported that the proposed Club Bylaws had passed with no dissenting votes. The Bylaws are now considered in effect.

4. The 2005 Autorama was discussed. The show is February 11-13, 2005 at Dallas Market Hall. The club has a reserved eight-car slot. Four cars are currently committed (Sonny Poteet, Ron Davis, Steve Pratt, Marvin Johnson). The theme will be the 50th Birthday of the 1955 Chevrolet. Volunteers are needed to stand 4-hour shifts in the club booth during the show. Kevin Brown is coordinating entries and shifts. David showed photos of some possible stanchion styles for the club to use. Dean Schmidt offered the use of his stanchions. Kevin and Dean will research what may be additionally required and report back to the club.

5. David gave a sponsor update. No new sponsors had committed. Friendly Chevrolet said to check back in six months. Stonebriar Chevrolet on SR121 was suggested. The free weekly email service for car shows and events will expire soon. A sponsorship of $25 dollars monthly is needed. Anyone with a business interested in a sponsorship should contact David.

6. The December club activity will be the Dallas Ramp Project. Volunteers were asked for. Dean Schmidt, Bill & Diane Preston, Greg Hedum, Kevin Brown, John Rush and Larry Rollow will attend. The event is scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 11th at 8AM near Midway and LBJ. A flyer with a map was handed out. Additional info will be in the December newsletter.

7. Dean and Audrey Schmidt will host a club party on the evening of Dec 11th at their home near Park and Preston in Plano from 6 to 9 PM. The party will be casual and include a potluck dinner. Dish assignments are by alphabetical groups. See the December newsletter for your assignment. Please RSVP to Dean. You are encouraged to bring a gift if you wish to participate in the gift exchange ($10 elephant gift). Drive your classic and if the weather is nice we may cruise the area Christmas lights. Beer and soda provided, and BYO.

New Business:

1. David reported that the club currently has 65 members. Please continue to recruit new members.

2. David began the election proceedings. A motion was made and passed to elect the officers as presented on the ballet. The board members were elected to terms as follows:
David Graves, President- 1 year
Marvin Johnson, Vice President- 2 years
Greg Hedum, Secretary- 1 year
Dean Schmidt, Treasurer- 2 years
Bill Preston, Board Member- 1 year
John Rush, Board Member- 2 years
Larry Rollow, Board Member- 2 years

3. The Peoples’ Choice Award was given to Dean Schmidt for his outstanding 1957.

4. Dean reported that the treasury balance stands at around $700.

The meeting was called closed at 3:20 PM

Submitted: Greg Hedum, Secretary DACC
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