TexHard10 210 Series
Joined: 06 Jun 2005 Posts: 32 Location: Flower Mound, TX
Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 9:16 pm Post subject: Dallas Area Classic Chevys November Meeting Minutes |
Dallas Area Classic Chevy Club
General Meeting Minutes, 11/13/05
The meeting was held at Stoked Out Specialties in Rockwall. David Graves, President called the meeting to order at 2:45 PM. About thirty members and prospective members were in attendance. David had club officers introduce themselves. Officers in attendance: David Graves, Marvin Johnson, John Rush, Greg Hedum.
David then asked members and visitors to introduce themselves.
Dinner was provided by Stoked Out. Many thanks to Richard and Julie Stokes for their hospitality.
Old Business:
1) September show at Reliable Chevrolet was a success. Over $600 was presented in awards and around fifty cars in attendance.
2) The October Drive Cruise had a good turnout of 20 or so cars and perfect weather.
3) John Rush talked about the Oklahoma Fall Foliage Tour. Four cars from DACC attended. John stated that it was a nice trip with about 35 cars.
4) Alan Strong and Tom Walker reported on Texas Muscle Car Challenge drag racing events at Ennis and Caddo Mills. These events were laid back but still competitive and lots of fun.
New Business:
1) Lone Star Convention XXIV will be held May 5/6/7 2006. DACC members have been interviewing hotels for site. With a great deal of work from Jim Conklin and others the hotel selection has been made- Sheraton Grand DFW. This site has great parking and facilities with a good price of $65/night. They will have shuttle service to local shopping and attractions. Over 100 cars should be expected to attend. Many of the committees need chairpersons. Additional volunteers signed up at the meeting. David has lined up some sponsors and is talking to local vendors about business tours. The January meeting will be at the hotel to finalize organizing.
2) Larry Rollow will be coordinating the December 10th charity ramp build with the Dallas Ramp Project. Greg gave some info about the project. This is a great service project. There is info in the newsletter. Please let Larry know if you plan on attending.
3) The club holiday party will be held again this year at the Schmidts. Pot luck dishes are assigned by last name alphabetically, more info in the newsletter.
4) The 2006 Autorama will be held in February. DACC will have 7 1956 Chevys displayed to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Chevy. Reliable and Stoked Out will co-sponsor handout to recognize this event.
Open Floor:
1) Please use the web site chat room for info.
2) Club caps and decals are available for sale.
3) Dennis Lind will look into organizing a retired group for activities and technical get togethers.
Elections were held for President, Secretary and Board member. There were no nominations from the floor for the positions open for election. David Graves was reelected to President by acclimation from the floor. Greg Hedum was reelected to Secretary by acclimation from the floor. Bill Preston was reelected to Board of Directors by acclimation from the floor. All three positions are 2 year terms.
The meeting was called closed at 3:30 PM
Stoked Out Specialties hosted tours/questions and a paint tech session.
Submitted: Greg Hedum, Secretary DACC |