Larry Epperson Bel Air

Joined: 05 Dec 2006 Posts: 300 Location: Dallas
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:36 pm Post subject: DACC - General Meeting Minutes 11-9-13 |
2013 DACC Annual Meeting
November 9, 2013 Site – Arlington Steak House
1) Intro – Board of Directors, members/visitors
2) Hold Elections – Secretary Larry Epperson conducted elections for 3 positions up for election and the following were on the ballet - Board Member Alan Strong, Secretary Larry Epperson, President David Graves. All nominees approved for another two year term.
Old Business
1) review of year’s events – highlights included one monthly event each month and the following were some of our best attended - January Frosty, February Reliable Spring Classic Chevy Show, May Lone Star 31 in San Angelo,June Tech Meeting at Jack Junkies Garage, September Drive In Movie night in Ft Worth,October Fall Classic Chevy Tour in Oklahoma. Club members also attend other events representing DACC such as the Car Show in Frisco during the summer and the Cruisin For Calories driving event to Greenville.
2) club drag racers did well in the TX Muscle Car Club Challenge series coming in 5th Place (improvement from 8th Place in 2012), Jim Baughan scoring the most points for DACC followed by Ken Burton and James Carson as top point earners.
3) membership status Nov 2009 -161, Nov 2010 -165, Nov 2011 - 170 , Nov 2012 – 167, Nov 2013 – 168, goal of 200+ active members remain just out of reach
4) financial report – notes from Tom Walker state that the club account on November 1 2012 the balance was $8393, balance on November 1, 2013 was $7017. Club over the past 12 months has had board approved costs such as meals for the Drag event in April, paid for the lift rentals at the Tech Meeting in June, expenses for the Autorama display, expenses for club trailer repairs, and food expenses at the Christmas party. Tom notes that $1185 in expenses were accrued from the 2012 business year and paid in 2013, therefore the club expended slightly less monies than it took in for the 2013 business year. The 2014 business year has no accrued expenses from 2013.
5) DACC WRENCHES – have had 4 projects over the past year, including wiring repair on Mike Russell’s ’56, body dismount on David Hudson’s ’55, brake upgrade on Colin Parks’ ’56, brake rebuild on Marvin Johnson’s ’57 Nomad, along with a tour of a local chrome plating shop, upcoming on Thursday Nov 14 is a a/c repair on Alan Strong’s ’57.
6) There was no additional old business
New Business
1) December- Greg Hedum gave Ramp Build & Alan Strong spoke about Christmas party details
2) 2014 Club Schedule being developed – will be a close duplicate of 2013 calendar with highlights being the 9th Annual Spring Classic Chevy Show at Reliable Saturday March 8th, Lone Star 32 to be in Houston on May 2-4, and the 21st Fall Foliage Tour on October 24-26 in Poteau, Okla, and plans are in the works to make the July Collector Car Appreciation event DACC hosts different and hopefully better.
3) Encourage becoming involved in our WRENCHES program, either as a volunteer or person needing work, encourage participation in the Muscle Car Club events,
need monthly Feature Cars if you have not been featured yet, along with Under Construction stories, Other Car stories (non ’55-’57 Chevy) and Photos from the Past of you and a neat car/story
4) club sponsor status – Reliable will rejoin in February making 9 years, and Heritage Insurance may renew in mid ’14 which would make 4 years.
5) A big part of our website and newsletter is the monthly Feature Car segment. If your car has not been featured, please contact David Graves and arrange a time when he can meet with you to take pictures of your car. We are also looking for stories that you may have concerning your ‘Other Car’ (your non ’55-’57 Chevy collector car) that you may have
6) We have a ‘Member’s Photos From The Past in our monthly newsletter where members can submit a picture of themselves in their youth hopefully with a car in the background for members to ‘guess who’ prior to reading the answer. Photos for that segment are needed.
Meeting was dismissed. _________________ in my Garage:
1957 Chevy BelAir
1949 Chevy Truck
Thought for the day-
Horsepower: "If a little is great, and a lot is better, then way too much is just about right |