TexHard10 210 Series
Joined: 06 Jun 2005 Posts: 32 Location: Flower Mound, TX
Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 8:05 pm Post subject: January 2006 Meeting minutes |
Dallas Area Classic Chevy Club
General Meeting Minutes, 1/15/06
The meeting was held at Sheraton DFW in Irving. David Graves, President called the meeting to order at 2:05 PM. About thirty members and guests were in attendance. David introduced club officers. Officers in attendance: David Graves, Marvin Johnson, John Rush, Larry Rollow, Bill Preston, Dean Schmidt, Greg Hedum.
David then asked members and visitors to introduce themselves.
A Lone Star judging seminar was conducted by Marvin Johnson. We’ll be using the CCI judging guidelines for the Lone Star event. Marvin discussed classes and organization. Pete Swatsky from Route 66 Restorations will conduct classification at the Lone Star event.
Marvin spent most of an hour explaining the judging system and answering many questions.
Old Business:
1) Larry Rollow reported on the December Dallas Ramp Project build. Nice weather and a good DACC turnout allowed us to build two ramps. Great work and many thanks.
2) Dean Schmidt talked about the 20+ attendees at the DACC Christmas party, including pot luck dinner, gift exchange, and Christmas light cruise. Thanks Dean and Audrey.
3) David reported on the February 2006 Dallas Autorama arrangements. Reliable will sponsor again. Exhibit will include 50th Anniversary celebration of the ’56.
Seven member’s cars will be displayed along with a Reliable car. A promotional handout will be available. Display by- Chad Reynolds, Joe Gaikoski, Dennis Gormley, Bill Preston, John Rush, Nick Ropollo, James Sparrow
4) Dean gave a Treasurer’s report. Club funds are at $5200 +/-. Any questions should be addressed to Dean.
New Business:
1) The March 2006 Fort Worth Rod and Custom Show will have six members in a club display- Rodney Neville, Debbie Guido, Sharkey Nelson, Kevin Brown, Tom Blackburn, Bob Vaughan
2) Spring Show and meeting at Reliable Chevrolet. Second Quarter meeting and club’s 30th anniversary celebration.
3) David will look into organizing an April cruise to Athens.
4) May will be the Lone Star event.
5) David announced that Marvin Johnson will join Larry Rollow as technical advisor, Bill Preston will chair membership duties.
6) Bill talked about the W.R.E.N.C.H.E.S. retired members group. Open to technical help and fellowship. Chad Reynolds offered to host a welding seminar.
7) David mentioned the Big River Classic Chevy Show in Vicksburg at the end of March.
Lone Star organization and planning was discussed. Each of the committee chairpersons reported status. Support was solicited and questions were answered.
Registration- Bill Preston
Opens Friday 5 May at 9:00 AM
Classification/Judging- Marvin Johnson
Classification and Judging will follow CCI guidelines.
Hotel/Banquet- Jim Conkle
Great room rate and block available. Banquet/breakfast and DJ/Band was discussed.
Security and Parking- Bob Vaughan
Richard Stokes will provide motor home for security office. Golf carts will be available. Volunteers for security shifts were signed up.
Swap Meet- Larry Rollow
Spaces available.
Sound- Dan Bunch
Outdoor sound system ready.
Signs- Greg Hedum
Committees should submit sign needs to Greg by April 1.
Photography- John Rush
John will prepare photos for award ceremony
Door Prizes- David Graves
Significant door prizes may be submitted to David.
There will be shuttles to shopping and shop tours available.
The web site will show schedule and Registration forms around 1 February.
Open Floor:
1) Please use the web site chat room for info.
2) Club caps, decals and other items are available for sale.
The meeting was called closed at 4:30 PM
Submitted: Greg Hedum, Secretary DACC |